July 2019

Found 16 blog entries for July 2019.

How to Organize Your Paperwork for a Home SaleThe paperwork for a home sale will be different depending on the province in which you live and what type of home you're selling. But even if a certain form isn't necessarily required, it helps to have as much information available as possible for the buyer's peace of mind. See the types of documents that will make a before they go through on the sale.

Property Information

Much of seller's paperwork in Canada is common sense in that the seller is providing relevant information to the homeowner about the property, whether it's a Spruce Avenue home or elsewhere. Electricity and gas statements from the past year will let a homeowner know how much they'll have to budget for their utility bills. If there are any lease agreements on the property or

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Is It Worth It to Construct a Home AdditionA home addition is usually one of the more exciting parts of owning a home. Instead of just wishing for an en-suite bathroom or extra bedroom, homeowners have the option to make it happen. But new construction can also be more of a hassle than residents ever imagined it to be. Between wrestling with contractor quotes and watching a savings account quickly deplete, it's not always the best idea. In addition, most additions are not good candidates for a weekend DIY project. Homeowners may want to ask a few key questions before they start calling construction companies.

Space Conversion

A lot of homes have rooms or parts of rooms that aren't effectively being utilized for the residents. They may even have whole floors available that can be

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What You Need to Know About LMILenders Mortgage Insurance (LMI) is a way for lenders to mitigate their risk if a homebuyer should default on their mortgage, but not every homeowner is required to have it in Canada. Learn more about when you need to worry about LMI and how it affects your monthly payments on your Bonnie Doon home.

Down Payments

The standard down payment on a home was always meant to be at least 20 percent of the final offer. So if you buy a $100,000 home, you should have at least $20,000 in cash to give to the seller. The more the homeowner puts down, the more equity they'll have in the home and the lower their monthly payment will be. Banks can be reasonably certain that the mortgage will be paid every month because the homeowner has a major stake in the

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How to Sell a Tenant-Occupied HomeIf you're a landlord or thinking about becoming one, it's important to know what you're getting into. When it comes to selling your property, it may not be as easy if there are tenants living within the home. Here are a few things to consider if you want to sell a property in Alberta with occupied by tenants.

For informational purposes only. Always consult with a licensed real estate professional before proceeding with any real estate transaction.

Work With Your Tenant, Not Against Them

Check and see if your tenant is possibly interested in purchasing the home before putting it up on the open market. Even if they're currently enjoying a very affordable rental rate, they may love the home so much they're willing to get a mortgage in order to

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How Can a Deck Improve a Home's Resale Value?Installing a deck can provide extra living space for the home, a comfortable outdoor entertaining space and a necessary update to the property's curb appeal. Many homeowners prefer to consider the return on investment for home improvement projects, as a way to ensure that they will get more than personal contentment from the result. These aspects of the process help people understand how best to approach ROI or resale value from installing a deck.

Considering Resale Value

Experts estimate that the resale value of a deck approximately 18 square meters is about 70-80 percent. This means that homeowners can expect to recoup about two-thirds or more of the price they pay in a higher home value. This is especially important when selling a home.

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5 Things to Know About Home Buying ContingenciesBuying a home usually involves a certain number of rules that buyers and sellers intend to follow, and contingencies are an important part. With a better understanding of the types of contingencies they might need, and how contingencies work for a home sale, buyers can be more prepared to make an offer.

What Are Home Buying Contingencies?

As a complicated and costly purchase, buying a home requires a great deal of careful consideration. Buyers may not always know if a home is going to be a good investment for them when they first see it. They may have other limitations that could slow down the buying process. Buyers often need some basic protections while they make sure that everything is in order with the home and the way they plan to pay for

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