June 2021

Found 2 blog entries for June 2021.

What to Know About Driving in Edmonton

When moving into one of the new luxury homes or condos available in Edmonton, it's important to understand the local driving conditions. After all, driving to and from work, stores, outdoor activities, school, and more are an integral part of everyday life. Below, learn more about major roadways, rush hour, parking, and helpful tips that make driving in the Edmonton community more enjoyable.

Get to Know Edmonton's Major Roads

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Because Edmonton is a larger city, it has many major roads. Starting in the North, 82 Street and 97 Street are the major arterial roads. 82 Street is the main route out of downtown to northern neighbourhoods. On the other hand, 97 Street is the main route in and out of downtown to CFB Edmonton.


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Schools and School Districts in Edmonton

Education is a cornerstone of opportunity. Few other factors hold more power over the eventual outcomes of our lives than what we have learned. That is why considering a community's education system can be a vital part of deciding if relocating is a good idea. While lake homes and luxury housing are undeniably attractive, the public and university education programs must be part of the decision equation.

Nicknamed "Canada's Festival City," Edmonton has a current population estimate of about 932,546. With a metro population of 1.3 million residents, it's the sixth-largest area in Canada as of 2016. Here are a few things that future residents should understand about Edmonton's schooling options.

Public School Districts Serving Edmonton

Public Schools in Edmonton, ABWith

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